
Memorial Day 2014

While I believe our Vets should be given thanks, today is not about the living, it is a special day dedicated to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. Today is about remembering and honoring those who gave their life for this country.

To those brave men and women – Thank you.


Sweat Pink Swag!!

I got my Sweat Pink goodies today!

The pink shoelaces are part of the Sweat Pink movement, which is about inspiring people to feel strong, confident and tough no matter who you are, or what you look like.

And who doesn’t love pink anyway?! These first pairs are going to some very special ladies who I know are kicking ass or may need a little extra UMPH on their fitness journey!


Overnight Oats!

Breakfast yo! Overnight oats, doesn’t get much easier than that!
Again, no waste!! When your PB jar is almost empty, make oats!
*1/4 cup steel cut oats (or regular)
*1/4 cup almond milk
*stick in fridge, eat the next morning. Heat if your little heart desires. ❤️💜


Strawberry Blueberry C- Boost Shake

Snack time! And I’m feelin’ a little sniffly/sneezy today, so hopefully the C-Boost works!

*1 scoop strawberry Shakeology (or vanilla protein powder)
*ice – more ice, thicker shake
*1 cup Bolthouse Farms C-Boost
*3 whole frozen strawberries
*handful frozen blueberries

👆👆See what I did there? Used that fruit that I froze yesterday!

**if you use just protein powder, I suggest throwing in a handful of spinach for some extra vitamins and nutrients! 👈 I promise that you won’t taste it!

Such is life…

Missing your friends is never easy. Especially in this military life. I have my BFF Brandy who has been by my side since the 3rd grade! I have my VA BFF Janelle who I met at the beginning of our husbands navy careers, and I have my girls Amber, Donna, and Rachel who I met in Great Lakes and they hold a special place in my heart too! Some days this military life and making new friends is pretty shitty. Then I stop and think that all these people are a simple phone call or text away! 😊 I love them all! ❤️



Food Tip! Don’t be wasteful…

Heller!! Here with a tip! This may be something you already do, but I want to tell y’all what I do.

When buying strawberries & blueberries, I usually get the big container from BJ’s Wholesale. My kids will eat them throughout the week, and what they don’t eat, I freeze!

So, as soon as I see any of the fruit getting a little funky…I cut the tops off of the strawberries, and rinse the strawberries & blueberries off and freeze them. BOOM! Frozen fruit for my shakes and for smoothies for the kids!


My Fitness Journey (so far)

It took a few years to gain weight and get out of shape, so I knew it would take a while to lose it. I wasn’t looking for a quick fix, I was looking for a HEALTHIER way, because I know most quick fixes also mean you gain everything back quickly.
Slow and steady wins the race!
Results don’t happen overnight, but KNOW that every healthy choice you make is affecting you in ways that you may not see. I didn’t start this to be some swimsuit model or win any bikini competitions, I started this journey for ME! To be around for my kids and family for as long as possible. I put this all out there to help others realize that it TAKES TIME and you have to start somewhere.