
Overnight Oats!

Breakfast yo! Overnight oats, doesn’t get much easier than that!
Again, no waste!! When your PB jar is almost empty, make oats!
*1/4 cup steel cut oats (or regular)
*1/4 cup almond milk
*stick in fridge, eat the next morning. Heat if your little heart desires. ❤️💜


Strawberry Blueberry C- Boost Shake

Snack time! And I’m feelin’ a little sniffly/sneezy today, so hopefully the C-Boost works!

*1 scoop strawberry Shakeology (or vanilla protein powder)
*ice – more ice, thicker shake
*1 cup Bolthouse Farms C-Boost
*3 whole frozen strawberries
*handful frozen blueberries

👆👆See what I did there? Used that fruit that I froze yesterday!

**if you use just protein powder, I suggest throwing in a handful of spinach for some extra vitamins and nutrients! 👈 I promise that you won’t taste it!


Food Tip! Don’t be wasteful…

Heller!! Here with a tip! This may be something you already do, but I want to tell y’all what I do.

When buying strawberries & blueberries, I usually get the big container from BJ’s Wholesale. My kids will eat them throughout the week, and what they don’t eat, I freeze!

So, as soon as I see any of the fruit getting a little funky…I cut the tops off of the strawberries, and rinse the strawberries & blueberries off and freeze them. BOOM! Frozen fruit for my shakes and for smoothies for the kids!
