Sweat Pink Swag!!

I got my Sweat Pink goodies today!

The pink shoelaces are part of the Sweat Pink movement, which is about inspiring people to feel strong, confident and tough no matter who you are, or what you look like.

And who doesn’t love pink anyway?! These first pairs are going to some very special ladies who I know are kicking ass or may need a little extra UMPH on their fitness journey!


My Favorite Shakeology Recipe

My Favorite Shakeology Recipe

Because CHOCOLATE. That’s why.

My favorite recipe & so simple!
*1 scoop chocolate Shakeology
*ice (more ice thicker shake)
*2 tbsp PB (go big or go home)
*1/2 cup light almond milk
*1/2 cup’ish of water
*sprinkle with a few mini chocolate chips, cuz I’m 5.)